About Us
POOPOO ONLINE STORE 從2012年開始經營,我們致力在各地搜羅時尚運動鞋及休閒服飾,定價遠比市面零售店便宜,務求令到所有顧客能以相宜價錢買到喜歡的產品,國際品牌包括 NEW BALANCE,ADIDAS 和 CASIO等,絕對100%正版正貨!歡迎各位 LIKE 本店FACEBOOK 和FOLLOW我們的INSTAGRAM 以便得到最新資訊。
Customer satisfaction is important to us
In business since 2012, our mission is to provide quality goods and professional services to our customers. We are proud of our past, and are dedicated to bringing our customers the most up-to-date collections. Poopoo online store carries many of the most recognized North America brands including New Balance, Adidas, and Casio. Our products are 100% authentic where they are shipped directly from North America, our returned customers have showed great confidence in the quality of the products as well as our efficient services. With both our customers and staff, our relationships are built on integrity, accountability, and trust. We constantly look for better ways to provide value to our customers through dedication, and always strive to be the best on-line store we can be. There are many channels where you can find us, Facebook, Instagram, and our newly launched shop-on-line website. We appreciate your business and for sharing our news to the world!